About Us

GANet (Global Affiliate Network abbreviation) is a result-based remuneration network advertising platform (so-called results-based remuneration network advertising, is based on the final advertising effect billing). Her birth marks a new page in the history of Internet advertising in China. Her Japanese version of JANet, short for Japan Affiliate Network, was launched in Japan in 2002 and has grown into one of Japan's most influential online advertising trading platforms in just a few years, with more than 300,000 websites and more than 8,000 advertisers.

GANet is an advertising affiliate platform launched in 2005 on the basis of the Japanese version and the characteristics of the Chinese market.

At present, CHANet results in Adways Advertising (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. under the operation of the number of customers has reached nearly a thousand, in the leading domestic level. CHANet's customers mainly focus on recruitment, education, tourism, making friends, entertainment and e-commerce. At the same time, the number of affiliate members of the Outcome Network is also growing steadily, with nearly 300,000 sites registered by March 2011.


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